Saturday, February 18, 2023

Collegiate Black Men and Creativity

A group of guys from class talking (March 2010).

I've been teaching an African American literature course comprised of first-year black men for the last 19 years, and that class, those series of class no doubt influenced my research interests. In the case of my book Bad Men, which also focused on vulnerable black boys, I was definitely drawing on my teaching experience. 

We've spent considerable time over the years discussing works by and about black boys and black men, and we've frequently conversed about bad men across many races and ethnic groups. Oh, and creativity was also a recurring topic. 

So in retrospect, it's perhaps no major surprise that I chose to consider those subjects in a formal study. Those classroom discussions contributed to my research, which became a book.

This entry is part of a series--28 Days & Ways of Thinking about Bad Men & Vulnerable Black Boys.

Note: For a 30% discount, use the promo code 10FEB23 when and if purchasing the book on the University of Virginia Press site.  (For February 2023 only).

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