In 2012, more than a year before the emergence of "Black Lives Matter" as a rallying cry, Trymaine Lee produced more than two dozen articles about the killing of Trayvon Martin. He was the first national reporter to cover the case.
In fact, when and if you read about Martin, you were likely reading a piece by Lee or an article that drew on his reporting. Later, Lee produced extensive coverage on Mike Brown as well. Taken together, Lee's writing on Martin and Brown is really extensive, outstanding work.
Beyond the fact that what he produced was a proto-version of Black Lives Matter writing, Lee's work constituted high productivity in the coverage of vulnerable black boys. I try to examine what he was doing in my book.
This entry is part of a series--28 Days & Ways of Thinking about Bad Men & Vulnerable Black Boys.
Note: For a 30% discount, use the promo code 10FEB23 when and if purchasing the book on the University of Virginia Press site. (For February 2023 only).
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