Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Haley Reading Group: Batman and the Outsiders, Part 1

[Haley Reading groups Fall 2020]

This semester, we're reading Batman and the Outsiders written by Bryan Hill, drawn by Dexter Soy, and colored by Veronica Gandini. We're to pay close attention to what Hill does telling a story about a full team of key characters: Black Lightning (Jefferson Pierce), Katana, Signal (Duke Thomas), Orphan (Cassandra Cain), and Batman (Bruce Wayne). 

The opening chapter serves as the beginning setup of the issues that will be dealt with moving forward. There's plenty of action and also some developing tensions in the storyline. 

So far, what aspect of the story were you most interested in? Briefly explain why. 


Isaiah J. said...

So far, I am interested in learning more about Sophia. While we haven't gotten a direct explanation of her powers yet, she seems to have some kind of healing ability. Also, I usually find characters who escaped some kind of experiments to be interesting in this type of story.

I also thought it was interesting that Kaliber implied Sophia would have something to do with the end of the world. That reminds me of the show Umbrella Academy, which was one of my favorite recent shows.

-Isaiah J.

Devin Ellis-Martin said...

I am most interested in learning about Ishmael. He is clearly powerful and works against the protagonists in this, however, I want to know the capacity his power carries and what his motives are.

- Devin Ellis-Martin

Thomas Siganga said...

Very interested in learning what Sophia is going to do with her healing powers and also the one where she gets stronger as she has more pain. I also want to figure out the unstableness that Batman mentioned Kaliber had and what has caused him to choose the outsiders.

-Thomas Siganga

Youssef said...

For now I am interested in Sophia, but i am also interested in the relationship between batman and black lightning. The rest of the outsiders do not seem to trust him which is understandable.

J'kolbe K. said...

I am most interested in the team dynamic of the outsiders. Why did batman bring them together but insists on thrusting the position of leader onto Black Lightnings? I am also interested in signal and orphan. Both are unfamiliar characters for me and I am excited to explore their abilities and backstories.

Tyler Bean-Catencamp said...

I'd say that I'm most interested in Sophia and her backstory. More specifically how she got her powers, the extent to the damage she can take, and what other powers she may have in future parts.

-Tyler B.C.

Anonymous said...

I am most interested in what caused Batman to bring the outsiders together. Because it's Batman there's always something he's hiding until he's ready to make a play so I am curious of his reasoning. It seems like a random group of people to team up but I'm assuming it will be explained later.

-Chris W

Phoenix Johnson said...

As most people said, I am very interested in Sophia. I want to know here role and as well her power. It seems that she has some power dealing with fire. I say this because when she was thrown into the truck her body consumed by her body.

Torian H said...

I am most interested in watching the character development of the outsiders. I want to see how they progress in their decision making and motivations as the plot thickens. The character I will be observing most will be Sophia, she is very intriguing and I feel like she can bring a lot to the story.

Torian Henry

Noah Jones said...

I am looking forward to learning more about the relationship between The Outsiders and Batman. It seems like they have a turbulant relationship and it's not clear how they really feel about each other. - Noah Jones

Donovan Washington said...

I am interested in seeing how Black Lighting will develop as a leader throughout the comic. I wonder if he will step into the role and then truly mature into the leader The Outsiders need. One moment so far that has stuck out to me is when Batman told Black Lightening that the Outsiders were better off with him without giving a clear explanation as to why.

Anonymous said...

So far, I’m very interested in the hidden motives of Batman, and what that will bode for the team in the future. Canonically, he is always a calculated, but mysterious man, and sometimes that put him and the ones he cares about in jeopardy. I’m interested to see if that puts an even bigger rift between him and the Outsiders.
I wonder how Sofia will fare as well. She is written as a fish-out-of-water, but with a superhero twist, and while that isn’t the newest thing done in comics, I find myself very interested in how the story will develop her newly discovered powers. In a lot of ways, she can be placed as a new member of the team, but on the other hand, she can be written as a villain. I can’t wait to see what will happen next.
Jalen W.

Justin Jubert said...

I am most interested in learning more about Black Lightning because he is supposed to be one of the most moral people Batmen knows. Batman is known for being a morally conscious man and often avoids killing villains, even if they have caused him personal pain. He is also one of the smartest and most calculated superheroes known, as uses his intelligence to solve the most dangerous problems. This should be interesting to find out more about Black Lightning and why Batmen feels that he needs to contact him. -JJ

William Shanklin said...

After reading the first chapter, I am mostly interested in how Batman is going to work with the team. Normally, Batman usually works alone or along side Robin in the comics, and occasionally some of, or all, the Justice League. Since they are a different team, I want to see the dynamic that Batman takes for this squad. In my opinion I feel that he will be in more of a leadership position.