Sunday, December 15, 2019

High school students and collage work

Members of our after-school DH club spent most of the semester working on collages. We were designing materials for an exhibit of East St. Louis postcards. But beyond the East St. Louis postcards, the students spent considerable time experimenting with a range of different designs.

I was surprised at how much some of the students enjoyed making collages. In past semesters, we did considerable work with audio editing. People liked that. But even then, I noticed some folks who were more into images. This semester gave those students a chance to really focus on their interests.

During a couple of different sessions, two of the high school students were in vibrant conversation with my two undergraduate assistants about combinations of different subjects for collages. They discussed groups of comic book heroes, magna characters, wrestling superstars, pro basketball players, and movie stars.

The use of technology to create collages was one thing, and the artistry and knowledge to pull together the right combination was integral to the experience as well.

The East St. Louis Digital Humanities Club Fall 2019

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