Saturday, January 5, 2019

Lovalerie King's incredible scholarly productivity

In terms of publications and editorial work, Lovalerie King was especially productive between 2006 and 2013. During that time, she published two single-authored books, and she co-edited four books of articles by various scholars. Here's a list of her book publications:

       2006: James Baldwin and Toni Morrison: Comparative Critical and Theoretical Essays (co-edited with L. Scott)
       2007: Race, Theft, and Ethics: Property Matters in African American Literature
       2008: The Cambridge Introduction to Zora Neale Hurston
       2008: New Essays on the African American Novel (co-edited with Linda Seltzer)
       2009: African American Culture and Legal Discourse (co-edited with Richard Schur)
       2013: Contemporary African American Literature: The Living Canon (co-edited with Shirley Moody-Turner)

Some of us, no, many of us would be pleased to have that record of publication for a full career. Lovalerie did it in just seven years.

During this same period of time, she co-organized four major conferences at Penn State, served as interim director of the Africana Research Center from 2008 - 2016, and in 2012, she directed a summer institute funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Look, what kind of precious, durable, marvelous elements were used to construct a Lovalerie King?

She was generous, funny, and caring. No doubt. But when the martial songs and dirges are written, let us also note that Lovalerie King was intellectually gifted and tremendously productive.

Part 5: Lovalerie King and Maryemma Graham: getting everybody together

Lovalerie King in context
A Notebook on Lovalerie King

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