Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Notebook on African American Literary Studies



• March 9: Black women scholar-organizers and literary gatherings

• August 11: Meta DuEwa Jones and the mix of black poetry scholarly work 
• August 11: Meta DuEwa Jones & Evie Shockley as guides 
• July 28: A few lessons from the Toni Morrison Society Conference  
• July 6: A Notebook on the CLA Journal
• July 2: April Reign as literary artist?
• May 21: Talking comic books, rap music, and African American literary studies
• May 18: Ta-Nehisi Coates's audiences of black boys and young black men

• November 9: African American Lit. & Literary Studies: A Timeline, 1986-2014 
• July 12: African American literary studies and intra-disciplinary differences  
• March 12: Black Studies vs. Black (literary) Studies

• November 1: The Growth of Digital Humanities in Sessions and Job Ads at MLA 
• September 26: A decline in job ads for African American literature 
• September 9: Lovalerie King, Maryemma Graham, and the states of the field 
• April 29: Keeping up with Erica Edwards 
• April 13: Digital Humanities at CLA 2013
• February 13: Mark Anthony Neal's Future Histories 
• February 10: From hip hop scholars to black public intellectuals
• February 9: From Black Public Intellectuals to Black Media Commentators 
• February 4: Coverage of Black Public Intellectuals, 1995 - 1998 
• February 3: Popular Publications by Black Public Intellectuals, 1981 - 1999
• February 3: Were the 1990s a Golden Age for (some) Black Public Intellectuals?
• January 7: Digital humanities and African American literary study at MLA

• December 29: The intellectual histories of black poetry
• August 26: A Timeline on Black Public Intellectuals, 1981 - 1994
• August 6: Creative communities of poet-scholars & essayist-poets
• August 5: 15 Scholarly Books on African American Poetry 
• August 4: James Smethurst's exceptionally thorough Black Arts Work
• August 1: Lovalerie King, a quiet, leading force in African American Literature
• June 20: Those Underground Public Archives 
• June 10: The Collected Works (Readers) of Black Scholars  
• June 2: Tricia Rose and the Rise of Hip Hop Scholarship
• April 16: What if we view Black Women Poets as Public Intellectuals?
• April 14: Houston Baker, Jerry W. Ward, and the title of my Black Arts book
• April 14: Jazz to Hip Hop: A Genre Shift in Black Intellectual History 
• April 13: Why the late 1990s Coverage of Black Public Intellectuals Still Matters
• April 8: Toward a History of Black Digital Intellectual Histories
• March 25: Digital Humanities and the Study of African American literature 
• January14: From Major Poets to Major Public Intellectuals  
• January 12: bell hooks, the poet 

• September 13: Poets as Essayists During the Black Arts Era
• April 11: Following Poetry Scholars
• April 11: Literary Scholar as Photographer: The Case of Dr. D.A.S.H.

• December 18: The Trouble with Histories of Black Poetry

• December 30: Digital Humanities as "the Next Big Thing" at MLA?
• December 29: Project on the History of Black Writing
• November 13: Organizing Lessons from a Literature Conference

Assorted Notebooks

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