Saturday, April 19, 2014

Uncanny Black Women: Octavia Butler’s Mary and Shonda Rhimes’s Olivia Pope

During the 2013-2014 academic year, Briana Whiteside, an MA English student with a concentration in African American literary studies, produced a research project that focused on the science fiction writer Octavia Butler and the unusual black women protagonists in her novels. Briana read black feminist criticism and multiple works by black women authors, and she also began making connections between prominent black women protagonists in novels and leading black women in popular culture, including Olivia Pope of the hit television show Scandal.

This exhibit showcases some of Briana’s findings concerning uncanny women, including a Queen B telepath and America’s most famous fixer.

Images from the exhibit
Mailbag #1
Mailbag #2
Mailbag #3

The Panels
Uncanny Black Women introduction
Octavia Butler’s Mary
Celebrating Octavia Butler
Celebrating Olivia Pope
Questioning Olivia Pope
Various Uncanny black women characters

Briana Whiteside is a graduate student in English at SIUE and a contributing writer for the Cultural Front.   

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