Saturday, March 30, 2013

African American Literary Studies @ SIUE

Course descriptions

An African American literature course: Recordings of black women reading poetry (Fall 2016)  
An African American lit. course: "Hip Hop & Black Consciousness" (Fall 2016)
An African American literature course on Ta-Nehisi Coates (Fall 2016)
Descriptions of upcoming Fall 2016 courses
Descriptions of upcoming Spring 2016 courses
Covering Jay Z in African American literature courses at SIUE & UTA (Spring 2016)
Description of upcoming Fall 2015 courses   
Description of upcoming Spring 2015 courses  
Elizabeth Cali’s upcoming (Spring 2015) Af-Am Lit courses 
Tisha Brooks’s upcoming (Spring 2015) Af-Am Lit. courses 
Howard Rambsy's upcoming (Spring 2015) Af-Am Lit. course
Description of upcoming Fall 2014 courses 

Lists and tallies of courses
A List of African American Literature Courses at SIUE, Fall 2003 - Fall 2016 
A List of African American Literature Courses at SIUE, 2003-2015 
A List of African American Literature Courses at SIUE, 2003-2013 
A Tally of African American Literature Courses at SIUE, 2003-2013 

Class Notes
When a poetry scholar offers a class on Biggie, Jay Z & Nas
April Reign as literary artist?
Teaching an African American Literature course on Ta-Nehisi Coates in fall 2016 
Teaching an African American lit. course with audio recordings of black women reading poetry as the basis
Beyond Electives: Rethinking African American literature courses

A Reading List
25 poems by or about black men 
25 poems by African American poets for a class 

Toni Morrison: Beyond Fiction
Images from the Toni Morrison exhibit
10 Years of Poets Reading at SIUE 
Humanities grants and the Graham Effect
Grant writing and the Teri/Patience Effect

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