Thursday, June 7, 2012

African American Poetry in 2012

Some events in African American poetry in 2012

January - Elizabeth Alexander begins her "twitter poem project." 

January - Natasha Trethewey named poet laureate of Mississippi.

January - Marilyn Nelson awarded the Robert Frost Medal.

January - Paperback edition of Evie Shockley's the new black (Wesleyan Poetry Series) is published.

February - Richard Wright's Haiku: The Last Poems of an American Icon (Arcade Publishing) is published. 

February - The Dark Room Collective Reunion Tour facebook page is launched.

March - Kevin Young's book of prose The Grey Album: On the Blackness of Blackness (Graywolf Press) is published. 

April - Dark Room Collective reunion reading is held at the Poetry Foundation in Chicago.

April - Tracy K. Smith awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for her volume Life on Mars.

May  - Dark Room Collective reunion reading is sponsored by the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington D.C. [More info. here.]

June - Natasha Trethewey named 19th U.S. poet laureate.

The Year in African American Poetry: 2011
A Timeline of African American Poetry

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