Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The East St. Louis Digital Humanities Club Spring 2019

This semester, we extend our East St. Louis Digital Humanities Club--an extracurricular program. The participants in the club -- a graduate student, undergraduates, and high school students -- will work on graphic design, audio mixes, and public exhibits. The goal is to build interest and expertise in technology.

[Related: The East St. Louis Digital Humanities Club]

Spring 2019, summaries of activities:
Week 1: January 23
Week 2 : February 6
Week 3: February 20
Week 4: February 27
Week 5: March 6
Week 6: March 19
Week 7: April 2
Week 8: April 9
Week 9: April 23
Week 10: April 30

Scenes from the East St. Louis Digital Humanities Club, Spring 2019

Congratulations to Jaylen, one of our lead DH club members
Building audio mixes with creative writers
Presentation on the East St. Louis Digital Humanities Club
Additional audio mixes on East St. Louis creative compositions
Blending a common sentence by two readers
Remixing Dometi Pongo's Mental Slavery

This after-school DH club is an outgrowth of our larger Digital East St. Louis, a collaborative project between SIUE's STEM Center and the IRIS Center. The project is supported by a National Science Foundation ITEST grant.

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