Monday, October 22, 2018

Academic Journeys: An Oral History Project

This semester, I’m working with two of my graduate students, Ashley Hamilton and Christiana McClain, and an undergraduate Joshua Russell, on an oral history project. So far, we’ve talked with approximately 100 African American students about their academic journeys, in this case, how they arrived at their majors and minors, where they are headed, and the changes in directions that they’ve made along the way.

Although SIUE has witnessed increased enrollment of African American students over the last decade, we have produced relatively few, if any, projects that chart their views and experiences related to their academic pursuits at the university.

We have no formal documentation concerning why African American SIUE students select the majors that they do, and what prompts them to change majors. We have no collection of wisdom gained by students, which they would pass along to younger students. Our project seeks to address those absences.

Academic Journeys: Parents & majors
A Different World: Black Women, Hair and Cosmetics on College Campuses by Lakenzie Walls

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