Friday, April 13, 2018

The Language Arts Conference, Spring 2018

On April 11, we hosted 18 high school students for our annual "Language Arts" conference. This year, students from Edwardsville High School and the SIUE/East St. Louis Charter High School participated. The conference included arts activities focusing on audio production, creative writing, and comic books. We also coordinated a book fair.

The conference provided us with a good opportunity to involve black boys in arts and humanities activities. The sessions were led by a small group of collegiate black men.

Notes on the conference:
Playing bingo at the Language Arts Conference
Digital Humanities at the Language Arts Conference
Book Fair, featuring illustrated works
College students take the lead at Language Arts conference
Curating a Malcolm X digital collection
A photo-review of the Language Arts Conference

Past conferences:
The Language Arts Conference, Fall 2017
The Language Arts and Leadership Conference, Spring 2017
The Language Arts and Leadership Conference, 2016
The Language Arts and Leadership Conference, 2015

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