Wednesday, December 13, 2017

A photo-review of arts & humanities programming (Fall 2017)

This semester, our Fall 2017 programming included poetry readings, a conference for high school black girls, various Public Thinking events, an online reading group, various exhibits, and an after-school digital humanities club. Here's a photo-review of our activities. (Click on the captions below each image for additional information about the projects).

Public Thinking Event: How universities respond to racial incidents (September 20)

Black Student Union Demonstration (September 21)

A Digital look at postcards from the Andrew J. Theising Collection (September 26)

Public Thinking Event on Group Work (October 4)

The Language Arts & Leadership Conference, Fall 2017 (October 18)

Public Thinking Event: Selecting East St. Louis postcards topic (October 25)

Public Thinking Event: Journey to SIUE (November 15)
"I love myself when": Black women, self-portraits, and selfies (November 29)

Artist Derek Patterson showcases works for collegiate black men and public (November 16)

Eugene B. Redmond meets with first-year collegiate black men (December 4)
Fall 2017--Haley Reading Groups
East St. Louis study group focusing on comic books

The East St. Louis Digital Humanities Club

Fall 2017 Programming

1 comment:

Margaret powell said...

Howard, I love how your pictures capture the basics . The kids seem engaged and attentive. Each picture could serve as a
Starter for question raising, for descriptive poetry, for pieces of art, for identifying emotions, for one liners....for an activity whereby
A student matched a key phrase from a piece of literature or from a news clip and elaborated on the bond with the images in the picture...
