Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Public Thinking Event: Selecting East St. Louis postcards topic

On Wednesday, October 25, for our Public Thinking Event, students voted on a topic for a future exhibit on postcards from the Andrew Theising Collection. The students chose between postcards of 1.) churches and schools 2.) downtown scenes 3.) parks.

The category with the most votes will serve as the basis for a future exhibit. Can you guess which category won?

It turns out that students were most interested in seeing a future exhibit on downtown scenes. That one just narrowly topped parks.

I have to say that I was surprised that more students did not choose the category churches and schools. The few sample postcards at the event showed what I thought were really good images of those buildings. However, apparently, there were other things that drew the interests of students.

I'm looking forward to curating the exhibit of downtown scenes based on those historic postcards next semester.

Fall 2017 Programming

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