Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A photo-review of arts & humanities programming (Fall 2016)

Morgan Hill prepares for art exhibit.

Our Fall 2016 programming included poetry readings, public thinking events, an art exhibit, and more. Here's a photo-review of our activities. The captions below each image contain links to additional write-ups on the projects.

September 13:  An exhibit on slavery references in rap music

September 21: "On the matter of Diversity" (Public Thinking Event)

Fall 2016 Haley Scholars Reading Group project

October 5: Natural Hair exhibit

October 18: Eugene B. Redmond visits the Eugene B. Redmond class

October 19: East St. Louis Postcard Exhibit
November 2:  Public Thinking Event: STEM survey activity

November 3: Cindy Reed Reps East St. Louis

November 16:  Public Thinking Event: clubs & teams

November 30 Untitled: A Gathering of Black Women Artists

November 1 & 3: Touchscreen tablets

Fall 2016 Programming

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