Friday, December 11, 2015

Public Thinking Event -- Scholarly Culture

On December 8, our Public Thinking Event concentrated on aspects of "scholarly culture." In particular, we began having conversations about how things like home book collections, juxtapositions of reading materials in various courses, and educational environments beyond conventional classrooms might affect overall learning. The plan is to extend those conversations at our events next semester.

“The scholarly culture hypothesis holds that reading provides cognitive skills that enhance educational performance. A home with books as an integral part of the way of life encourages children to read for pleasure and encourages discussion among family members about what they read, thereby providing children with information, vocabulary, imaginative richness, wide horizons, and skills for discovery and play. … This approach suggests a substantive connection linking scholarly resources to cognitive skill and complexity.”
--from "Scholarly Culture and Academic Performance in 42 Nations" by M. D. R. Evans, Jonathan Kelley, Joanna Sikora

Fall 2015 Programming

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