Friday, April 17, 2015

A Free Book Fair

No doubt about it: one of the stand-out sessions for the high school students at our "Language Arts and Leadership" Conference was the free book fair. The guys enjoyed looking through the materials and then selecting books to take with them. 

I devised the plan for a book fair over a year ago, long before I knew we would have this language arts conference. During my latter years of high school and especially during my college days, I began establishing a strong connection to used bookstores. The first, major growth phase of my personal library took place during the spring of 1998 when I spent a semester living in New York City.

I won't bore you with the details of how I developed my collection over the last 15 or so years, but I will say that I have sought out ways to creatively share books and even aspects of my own collection with students and friends. Our conference presented me with a good opportunity to pass books along to others.

In addition to gathering more than 100 books from my collection to give away, I also received donations from my colleagues in the department of English. As a result, we had a really wide and diverse selection of books for the students to choose from during the session.  

Language Arts and Leadership Conference  

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