Thursday, August 21, 2014

Marcia Chatelain and #FergusonSyllabus

On August 17, Professor Marcia Chatelain started the hashtag #FergusonSyllabus. Chatelain was moving beyond simply presenting current news articles on what was developing, and instead prompted people to consider a broader body of texts and writings that might relate to Michael Brown and Ferguson.

[Related: Coverage of Mike Brown]

One of Chatelain's earliest tweets in the series was a recommendation to check out Black in Blue: African-American Police Officers and Racism. Next, she recommended taking a look at Black Liberation in the Midwest: The Struggle in St. Louis, Missouri, 1964-1970. And then there was Hands on the Freedom Plow: Personal Accounts by Women in SNCC, and so forth. 

Eventually, others got involved and people have begun sharing and discussing pedagogical resources for  addressing issues with anti-black racism, freedom struggles, black people in the Midwest, and a range of other topics. The hashtag is a useful way of considering approaches of educators in a number of different contexts.

In the coming week, I plan to discuss Chatelain's efforts as an example of black studies digital activism or afrofuturist organizing or consciousness building2.0 or something I haven't thought up a term for yet. Mostly, I'm making the folks in our circle aware of some of the useful creative approaches active thinkers in the field are taking. 

Notebook on Mike Brown and Ferguson    

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