Haley Scholars Spring 2013 Reading Groups
We've been reading and discussing The Art of Choosing, and come to some new concepts about the processes of choosing and deciding and how the ways we choose are culturally distinct in some instances. But how has choosing played out in the real world, in our local worlds?
We're curious: what's one notable way over the last couple of months that you've been influenced to decide or think about decisions or choosing based on your experience studying The Art of Choosing? Why was your consideration notable?
The Haley Events we having throughout the semester usually has me thinking deeply about my life and my future. Makes me feel like I can always do better than what I am which motivates me to improve. I think events like this is not only for the program, but for the students involved in the program.
Recently,I got into some trouble at home because of a bad grade. This made me have to sit down and think of ways to change and improve my study habits. I now have to make the decision to apply all of my new guidelines to my life. Not applying them could end in some serious consequences, so I think my choice is pretty much made.
The most notable thing this year was the haley events because it got me to interact with others and think outside of my own thoughts and be creative. It has taught me that a lot of people are different but that we come together in one way with our education.
After studying the Art of Choosing and even Outliers I have definitely had to step back and look at my life and future in terms of school. I have always been a good student, making honor roll and all of that, but now school is more important than just getting good grades. School is going to determine our careers and that is huge. I have realized I need to be more dedicated and work harder, not just coast on by. I have to choose to do that, it is not going to happen on its own. The job market is competitive and the people who will succeed are choosing to be dedicated, focused, and hard working.
Some of the most notable decisions that i have had to make while being in school would have to be whether im going to do my homework or go out and have fun with my friends. This choice is always hard for anyone in school because we must learn to put important things at the top of our priorities list. I have always chosen to do homework over going to hang out with my friends, and it has shown that I am maturing and learning that life is not all just fun and games, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.
I would have to say the most notable change in my thought process has been me learning how to truly think for myself. For instance, at one point I wanted to change my major due to the curriculum demands but then I decided not to because I realized I can actually do the work. I decided it was worth it to put in the hard work now, rather than end up in a profession I don't like and wish I had stayed with dentistry. I also realized that this opportunity might not always be here and I should take advantage of it.
Ashya F.
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