Combine chess lessons in Greenwich Village with a visit to the Richard Wright bench in Brooklyn; add long walks through Harlem and Times Square; throw in visits to the Brooklyn Museum and Chinatown; include subway rides here and there; mix in extended stops at the Strand Bookstore; and try if you can to account for the extra, unexpected thises and thats along the way and what you get is our second black studies trip to New York City, May 6 – 10.
This New York journey, like many of our journeys, was another knowledge building enterprise that empowered us to explore African American ideas and enhance our intellectual capabilities.
Black Studies @ SIUE in NYC 2010:
The B-boy, Native Son Compromise
Filming in New York
The Wright Bench, Pt. 2
The Wright bench in Brooklyn
Photography and the City
Chess Lessons in NYC
Walking and Exploration in NYC
Black Studies @ Strand Bookstore
Black Studies @ SIUE in NYC...Again
Black Studies @ SIUE in NYC 2009:
A Rainy Day in Harlem
From C.H.I. to N.Y.
Manhattan Reflections Addendum
Manhattan Reflections
The New York Booklet
Energy of the City
Race Talk, Feminist Ideas, and Jazz
Chess and Lessons From Elder
Observing Travelers
Memorable Moments in NYC
On the Move in NYC
Black Studies Writing New York
The trip was great! I didn't even get close to experiencing half of what I wanted to in the 5 days there. The commodore and late night discussions on miscellaneous topics were great to me as well.
Yes, yes man: the side, late night conversations were really beneficial for me too.
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