Saturday, May 16, 2015

Philosophical perambulations in NYC

Gabriel, one of our travelers, planning our next moves

The genesis of my trips to New York City began in the summer of 2008 when I walked for over 100 city blocks in the city on a couple of days just thinking and wondering as I wandered. I found the experience so intellectually rewarding that I began thinking of ways to bring students along on the journeys. We made our way to the city a number of times over the years.

Months ago when I was telling my colleague Tori Walters about that long walk that gave me the idea for the trips, she mentioned a course, entitled "Philosophical Perambulations" that she took in high school. The course involved walking and thinking. Her descriptions of the course corresponded with my own, long walk as well as some of what I think the students pick up as they collaboratively navigate NYC.

This year, we walked along various blocks; we walked around exhibits at MoMA, the Schomburg, and the Museum of the City of New York; and we walked around the Strand Bookstore. We observed, we thought to ourselves, we talked, took photographs, and thought and talked some more.

As we moved around thinking and walking, I was now equipped with this new phrase "philosophical perambulations" as yet another way to describe our activities. 

NYC 2015

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