Saturday, June 8, 2024

Blogging and then podcasting about African American literary studies

Last year, I caught a joint presentation by Elizabeth McHenry and Kinohi Nishikawa. I was fascinated with the content, but I was also thinking about how these two scholars signaled so much about the rich diversity of the field of African American literary studies.

Of course, various projects and teaching took my attention over the last year, but I would periodically return to this topic of McHenry and Nishikawa. I was initially going to write a few blog entries. But then I wondered: why not produce a series of podcast episodes on African American literary studies and incorporate their work? 

At some point, I should probably blog (and podcast) more about what it means to produce work on African American literary studies in varied formats. Scholarly articles and books. Conference presentations. Classroom materials for students. Blog entries. Podcast episodes. Data visualizations. Whiteboard animations

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