Saturday, December 2, 2023

A Tally of African American Literature Courses at SIUE (2003-2023)

This entry is part of a series about 20 Years of African American Literary Studies at SIUE.

Since 2003, we offered a total of 23 African American literature and culture courses and 278 sections.

Breakdown of courses by name and number of sections taught:
ENG 111: Introduction to Literature (45)
ENG 112: Introduction to Literature and Culture (1)
ENG 205: Introduction to African American Texts (64)
ENG 340: Topics in Global Literatures (5)
ENG 341: African American Women's Writing (19)
ENG 342: Movements in African American Literature (20)
ENG 343: Topics in African American Rhetoric and Oratory (15)
ENG 344: Reading Black Caribbean Writers (1)
ENG 345: Topics in African American Poetry and Folklore (12)
ENG 446: Studies in African American Literature (14)
ENG 457: A Reckoning Postcolonial Voices from the Black Diaspora (1)
ENG 464: Topics in Genres and Forms (3)
ENG 477: Toni Morrison (14)
ENG 497: Senior Seminar (7)
ENG 499: Basketball blogging project (1)
ENG 505: Fugitive Dreams African American Literature and Film (1)
ENG 521: Black Diasporic Feminisms (6)
ENG 526: Studies in African American Texts (12)
ENG 570: Teaching African-American Oral and Written Literature (5)
Univ. 112: First-year orientation course (15)
HON 200: Globalization (1)
IS 333/399: Diversity and Comics (14)
IS 399: Diversity and Television (2)

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