Friday, March 31, 2023

Visualizing Geography, Settings, and Characters in Short Stories by the Big 7

By Kenton Rambsy 

Anthologies and Black Short Fiction
The visualizations below comprehend the circulation histories of Black short fiction spanning almost 100 years.

Locating the Big 7
9 Different Anthology Types Including Black Short Fiction
Tracing Black Short Story Writers Across 100 Anthologies

The Geographies of the Big 7’s Short Stories
The following visualizations chart the geographic locations and settings that appear in the most frequently republished short stories by the Big 7.

The Geographies of The Big 7’s Short Stories
The Geographies of Charles Chesnutt’s Short Stories
The Geographies of Zora Neale Hurston’s Short Stories
The Geographies of Richard Wright’s Short Stories
The Geographies of Ralph Ellison’s Short Stories
The Geographies of James Baldwin’s Short Stories
The Geographies of Toni Cade Bambara’s Short Stories
The Geographies of Alice Walker’s Short Stories

The following visualizations highlight characters and character demographics in the most frequently republished short stories by the Big 7.

Characters in the Big 7 Short Stories
Characters in Charles Chesnutt’s Short Stories
Characters in Zora Neale Hurston’s Short Stories
Characters in Richard Wright’s Short Stories
Characters in Ralph Ellison’s Short Stories
Characters in James Baldwin’s Short Stories
Characters in Toni Cade Bambara’s Short Stories
Characters in Alice Walker’s Short Stories

This entry is part of a series--A Notebook on The Geographies of African American Short Stories.

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