Saturday, September 21, 2019

More on generations of black women students and artists

Earlier this week, I gave a presentation to one of my literature classes on generations and genres of black women poets--from Margaret Walker to Megan the Stallion. As it turned out, the theme of generations of black girls and women showed up at various points.

On Tuesday, my presentation was for a class of 35 first-year black women students. After classes, I had my weekly one-on-one with the president of the Black Student Union; I serve as the organization's advisor. Later, I began the first session of the semester for the DH club I coordinate. For the first time, the club has a majority of high school girls.

On Wednesday, I organized a meeting of grad school students. Consequently, they're all black women. This first session was the start of what I hope will be a series of presentations and discussions. There's a mix of ages among the grad students in this group--a few in their 20s and a few in their 40s.

I concluded on Friday, as usual, with my independent study session with one of my newest grad students. She's developing her ideas for a project on African women novelists.

A Notebook on Collegiate Students

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