Monday, August 12, 2019

Black women, creativity, and styles of delivery

This semester, I'm teaching an African American literature course focusing on black women, creativity, and styles of delivery. The course is comprised of 35 first-year, collegiate black women.

We'll cover a variety of topics and materials, and we'll have a recurring focus on varied ways that black women present ideas -- vocally and in print. I'll provide blog entries concerning the content, plans, and reflections about the course.

Collegiate black women as reader-listener-viewers
Black women's poetry: from Margaret Walker to Megan Thee Stallion
Generations and genres of black women writers
• The modalities of Angel C. Dye
Black women artists by birth year for fall class

Previous entries
A notebook on the sound of black women poets
53 black women poets, 104 poems: Audio recordings
Why some collegiate black women might find contemporary black poetry boring
Understanding the favorite poets of black women students
Dynamic black women speakers vs. flat sounding poets
Why some black poetry sounds boring to black students (abstract)

A Notebook on Collegiate Students

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