Friday, July 12, 2019

Douglass Institute: Day 5

Day 5, July 12, of our NEH Frederick Douglass institute was dedicated to presentations by the 25 participants. They discussed their new or improved plans for  covering Douglass at their respective schools.

The mini-symposium, as we called it, was quite enjoyable. It gave all of us opportunities to listen in on what participants had learned during the week. We also had a chance to see what folks are planning to now take to their classrooms this fall and in coming years.

During the course of the presentations, the participants shared and exchanged a range of resources. They discussed how they covered Douglass in their classes, and they mentioned the works they taught or will teach alongside the Narrative. 

Like the entire week, the mini-symposium was tremendously informative. Beyond the materials on Douglass, we learned about a variety of educational contexts where people are working with students. 

A notebook on Frederick Douglass and Literary Crossroads NEH Institute

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