Friday, December 7, 2018

The diverse creative team assignment


Earlier this semester, I talked to the students in my comic book course about the outstanding work that editor Joseph Illidge did by pulling together several diverse teams of creators. He was a senior editor at Lion Forge, and he's currently the Executive Editor at Valiant Comics.

Inspired by Illidge's editorial work, I developed an assignment for students where I prompted them to envision themselves in positions to decide on the composition of comic book teams. The results of the assignment have been really impressive.

Here are the instructions that I gave students.
A diverse core team
“What if I told you that we’re putting together a team?”

For this assignment, assume you were tasked with the responsibility like Joseph Illidge of putting together a really diverse core team for a comic book. What comic book would you choose to produce and why?

Based on the people we’ve covered this semester, who would be the writer, the artist, the colorist, and the letterer? Who would be the cover artist and colorist for issue #1 cover artist and colorist? (Note: you can’t assemble a team that already exists). Explain your reasoning for the selections for the comic book you chose and state what makes the team notably diverse.

Diversity, Culture, and Comics

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