Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The East St. Louis Digital Humanities Club

This semester, I'm working with a new program, the East St. Louis Digital Humanities Club. The members of the club, or better yet, the production team, are high school students from East St. Louis, though many of our sessions take place at on the campus of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE). Four undergraduate students and a graduate student facilitate the sessions.

One overall goal of the project is to increase interest among African American students in projects and careers that involve technology. To do that, we'll involve them in a series of projects. For the next few months, we are working with the students on audio production.

[Related: The East St. Louis Digital Humanities Club]

Summaries of activities:
Preparation weeks
Week 1: September 13
Week 2: September 20
Week 3: September 27
Week 4: October 4
Week 5: October 11
Week 6: October 18
Week 7: October 25
Week 8: November 1
Week 9: November 8
Week 10: November 15
Week 11: November 29
Week 12: December 6

Weekly reflections by Rae'Jean Spears

Conversations about technology with black boys
Scenes from the East St. Louis Digital Humanities Club: Weeks 1 - 8
Scenes from the East St. Louis Digital Humanities Club: Weeks 9 - 12

This after-school DH club is an outgrowth of our larger Digital East St. Louis, a collaborative project between SIUE's STEM Center and the IRIS Center. The project is supported by a National Science Foundation ITEST grant. The project is directed by STEM Center director Sharon Locke, and involves Jessica DeSpain, Liza Cummings, Georgia Bracey, and Matthew Johnson.

Fall 2017 Programming
Notebook on Digital East St. Louis

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