Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Frederick Douglass and Negro Digest/Black World

My brother Kenton and I were recently writing about the presence of the phrase "Frederick Douglass" in the Google Ngram database as well as the NYTimes Chronicle. So, I decided to take a look at appearances of "Frederick Douglass" in Negro Digest/Black World.  Not surprisingly, writers frequently mentioned Douglass throughout the pages of the magazine.

Douglass was one of many prominent culture heroes who became an increasingly important point of reference during the 1960s and 1970s. Writers and editors also mention the publication of editions of Douglass's books. 

An image of a "town house once occupied by Frederick Douglass, an ex-Foreign Service officer" appears in the December 1964 issue of Negro Digest. An image of Douglass appears along with other historical figures on the cover of the February 1965 issue of Negro Digest.

Douglass was not as pervasive as Malcolm X in the pages of the publication, but the famous ex-slave was no doubt important and frequently mentioned. 

Blogging about Black World magazine
#FrederickDouglass: Technology & African American Literary Studies 

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