Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A Notebook on Lovejoy Library's EBR Digital Collection

Over the last few years, faculty and staff at SIUE's Lovejoy Library have been working to produce digital collections and exhibits focusing on materials from the Eugene B. Redmond (EBR) Collection. The efforts to transform the wide-ranging items -- photographs, tape recording interviews, flyers, magazines, booklets -- in Redmond's Collection into online exhibits and easily searchable files have not received nearly enough attention.

What follows are some of my writings on those EBR Digital Collections.

Developing the EBR African American Cultural Life
The EBR Digital Collections & new directions in recovery work 
A select chronology of the EBR Collection 
The Eugene B. Redmond Interviews as a Blueprint
Eugene B. Redmond, Mary Z. Rose, and the Million Man March
EBR Digital Exhibits & Collections

Eugene B. Redmond

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