Monday, November 17, 2014

ENG 205: Introduction to African American Texts (T. Brooks)

Spring 2015 (MW 12:00 – 1:15 pm)
Professor Tisha Brooks

This survey course is designed to introduce you to a range of African American texts, including poetry, autobiography, short fiction, novels, essays, drama, as well as works from the oral tradition, such as songs, folktales, sermons and speeches. Our primary texts will span from the colonial through the contemporary period with the goal of exploring major historical and literary movements, trends, and key themes. In this course, we will also further develop our critical reading, speaking and writing skills in response to the literature that we encounter. In order to help ground our discussions and expand our exploration of African American literature beyond the text, we will use digital resources in the classroom to view videos, images of historical artifacts, photographs, art and listen to audio clips of interviews, sermons, speeches, readings of poetry and musical performances. Expect to be actively engaged in this class, which includes small and large group discussions, full class workshops, and oral presentations.

General education requirements fulfilled:
Humanities-Breath; Fine Arts and Humanities; United States Cultures-Exp; Intergroup relations

African American Literature @ SIUE

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