The following years and months mark appearances of works by African American poets in Poetry magazine. At the moment, this timeline is a work in progress, and thus incomplete.
1918: Fenton Johnson's "The Lost Love," ""How Long, O Lord!," "Who Is That A-Walking in the Corn?,"
1925 July: Countee Cullen's "Epitaphs"
1926 January: Countee Cullen's "For Amy Lowell"
1926 November: Langston Hughes's Blues selections: "Hard Luck," "Po Boy Blues," "Red Roses," "Suicide"
1931 October: Langston Hughes's The Quick and the Dead (selection of poems)
1937 November: Margaret Walker's "For My People"
1938 July: Margaret Walker's "The Struggle Staggers Us"
1938 July: Sterling Brown's "The Young Ones"
1939 March: Margaret Walker's "We Have Been Believers"
1940 April: Langston Hughes Two Poems: "Out of Work," "Love Again Blues"
1941 May: Langston Hughes Four poems: "Dust Bowl," "Southern Mammy Sings," "Crossing Jordan," "Black Maria"
1943 July: Robert Hayden's "O Daedalus, Fly Away Home"
1943 September: Langston Hughes Four poems: "Folks who Knock at Madam's Door,"Crowing Hen Blues"
1944 November: Gwendolyn Brooks Two poems: "Gay Chaps at the Bar" and "Still Do I Keep My Look, My Identity"
1947 February: Langston Hughes's Four poems: "Seashore Through Dark Glasses," "Blues on a Box," "Who but the Lord?," "Yesterday and Today"
1949 March: Gwendolyn Brooks's "Children of the Poor," "A Light and Diplomatic Bird"
1950 July: Melvin B. Tolson's "From Libretto for the Republic of Liberia"
1951 September: Melvin B. Tolson's "E. & O. E."
1952 October: Melvin B. Tolson's "The Man from Halicarnassus"
1959 September: Gwendolyn Brooks's The Bean Eaters suite: "Old Mary," "We Real Cool," "Strong Men, Riding Horses," "The Bean Eaters"
1961 August: Langston Hughes's "Blues in a Stereo"
1962 April: Amiri Baraka's "Balboa, the Entertainer"
1964 December: Amiri Baraka's "Like Rousseau"
1969 October: Calvin Forbes's "Poem on My Birthday"
1969 November: Gwendolyn Brooks's "Henry Rago"
1970 June: Calvin Forbes's "The Chocolate Soldiers," "Good Morning Blues," "Gabriel's Blues"
1982 October: Rita Dove's "Flirtation"
1984 September: Rita Dove's "Pomade," "The Wake"
1985 October: Rita Dove's "Old Folk's Home, Jerusalem"
1988 June: Rita Dove's "Ars Poetica"
1989 January: Rita Dove's "The Breathing, the Endless News"
1992 April: Elizabeth Alexander's "Stravinsky in L.A.," "Cough Medicine," "Apollo"
1992 October: Rita Dove's "Demeter's Prayer to Hades," "Sonnet," "Protection" "The Venus of Willendorf"
1993 September: Elizabet Alexander's "Manhattan Elegy," "Equinox"
1993 September: Kevin Young's "The Living"
1994 February: Elizabeth Alexander's "L.A. by Night," "At the Beach"
1995 May: Rita Dove's "Her Island"
1998 January: Rita Dove's "Testimonial"
2002 October: Rita Dove's "'I have been a stranger in a strange land'"
2003 March: Rita Dove's "Reverie in Open Air," "Cozy Apologia"
2004 May: Kevin Young's "Early Show"
2006 March: Major Jackson's "Letter to Brooks: Spring Garden"
2007 March: Afaa Michael Weaver's "American Income"
2007 July/August: Kevin Young's "Ode to the Midwest"
2007 September: Lucille Clifton's "Sorrows"
2007 November: Kevin Young's "from Book of Hours"
2008 March: Terrance Hayes's "Stick Elegy," "New Folk," "Mystic Bounce," "Cocktails with Orpheus"
2008 December: Roger Reeves's "Cymothoa Exigua" and "The Mare of Money"
2009 January: Langston Hughes's "You and your whole race," "Remember," "I Look at the World"
2009 October: Kevin Young's "The Mission"
2011 July/August: Calvin Forbes's "Talking Blues" and "Mamma Said"
2011 July/August: Nikki Giovanni's "Chasing Utopia"(story)
2011 September: Kevin Young's "Pietà"
2011 September: Reginald Dwayne Betts's “For you: anthophilous, lover of flowers”
2011 November: Marcus Wicker "Animal Farm," "Bay Window Lauds," "The Way We Were Made"
2011 December: Camille Dungy's "From the First, the Body Was Dirt"
2012 June: Rita Dove's "November for Beginners," "Dusting"
2012 July/August: Adrian Matejka's "Map to the Stars" and "End of Side A"
2012 November: Reginald Dwayne Betts's "A Postmodern Two-Step," "At the End of Life, a Secret," "For the City that Nearly Broke Me;" Rickey Laurentiis's "Southern Gothic," "Swing Low," "You Are Not Christ."
2013 May: Amiri Baraka's "A Post-Racial Anthology?" (Review)
2013 November: Phillip B. Williams's "Homan and Chicago Avenue," "Do-rag," "Of Darker Ceremonies," "Speak"
2013 October: Marcus Wicker's "Ode to Browsing the Web"
2013 November: Harmony Holiday "Do any black children grow up casual?,""Gazelle Lost in Watts," "Motown Philly Back Again," "Niggas in Raincoats Reprise"
2013 December: Douglas Kearney's "Kronos: Father of the Year," "Noah / Ham: Fathers of the Year," "Every Hard Rapper's Father Ever: Father of the Year," "Jim Trueblood: Father of the Year"
2014 July/August: Rickey Laurentiis's "Black Gentleman," "I Saw I Dreamt Two Men," "Study in Black," "Writing an Elegy"
• Poetry &the Poetry Foundation Site
• Timelines
Thank you for this list!
Rickey Laurentiis is in Poetry a couple of times and he, too, is a Black poet.
Don't forget Fenton Johnson's poems in the June 1918 issue!
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