Monday, July 29, 2013

Photos from Eugene B. Redmond's visit to the Poetry Institute

Thursday, July 25, at the University of Kansas, Eugene B. Redmond discussed poetry, his completion of the the landmark work Drumvoices: The Mission of Afro-American Poetry, his role as Poet Laureate of East St. Louis, his work as a activist-poet, and a range of other issues. Jerry W. Ward, Jr. facilitated the interview, which was part of  Don't Deny My Voice: Reading and Teaching African American Poetry. 

What follows are a few photos that I took during and after the Redmond event.

Redmond and poet Opal Moore

Redmond and Jerry W. Ward, Jr.

Summer scholar Deborah Ford and Redmond

Kentucky Poet Laureate and summer scholar Frank X. Walker and Redmond

Summer scholar Erin Ranft and Redmond

Scholar Tony Bolden, Redmond, and Jerry W. Ward, Jr.
A Notebook on Black Arts Poetry

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