Saturday, April 13, 2013

Digital Humanities at CLA 2013

[Initially published on March 24]

On April 13, at the annual College Language Association (CLA) conference, I participated in a roundtable discussion entitled "Digital Humanities Meets African American History, Literature, and Culture." The roundtable was moderated by Doug Steward, Associate Director for programs and Assistant of Departments of English for the Modern Language Association (MLA) and Dana Williams, Professor of English at Howard University and Vice President of CLA. The participants included Adam Banks from the University of Kentucky, Ira Revels from Cornell University, Corrie Claiborne from Morehouse College, and me.

Since there's never enough time to discuss all that we'd like to cover during these sessions, I presented pre-conference and post-conference items here on the site. Similar to my notebook for my upcoming presentation, "A Golden Age of Inspiration for Black Men Writers, 1977 - 1997," I provide links and resources related to my contributions to the CLA roundtable and follow-up notes.

 Post-conference Entries 
DH at MLA and CLA
What we talk about when we talk about race and technology
A.J. Verdelle, Novelists, and Collaboration 
The Poet as 21st Century Bookseller: A note on Frank X. Walker
RapGenius and Digital Humanities at CLA
Toward a Language and Literature Lab  
Rethinking black folks' fears of technology: Notes from Adam Banks's CLA presentation

Pre-conference Entries
News-gathering and study groups: DH presentation focus
Reporting on developments in the field; or, using the William Pannapacker model
The value of earlier social media: Notes on Afrofuturism's yahoo group
The Kuumba Digital Literacy Collective
Mark Sample's annual DH @ MLA round-ups
How James Neal and my interest in DH prompted me to sign on to twitter
How Alondra Nelson & Don Share helped transform an occasional poetry blogger into an active one 
One way blogging has shifted my engagements with poetry

An Afrofuturism-based timeline, 1998 - 2013

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