As a lead up to Eugene B. Redmond's 75th birthday on December 1, I decided to highlight approximately 75 facts concerning his life and career. I provided 25 EBR Facts the other day. Here, I provide 25 more:
1. published Drumvoices: The Mission of Afro-American Poetry, A Critical History in 1976.
2. named Poet Laureate of East St. Louis in 1976.
3. awarded a National Endowment for the Arts creative writing fellowship in 1978.
4. worked as special assistant on culture and language arts for the East St. Louis School District in 1985.
5. co-founded the Eugene B. Redmond Writers Club in 1986.
6. served as editor of Henry Dumas’s Goodbye Sweet-water in 1988.
7. served as editor of Henry Dumas’s Knees of a Natural Man is published in 1989.
8. appointed as the Martin Luther King/Caesar Chavez/Rosa Parks Distinquished Visiting Professor in English at Wayne State University in 1989.
9. began teaching at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in fall 1990.
10. published arts magazine Literati Internationali in 1991.
11. published volume of poetry Eye on the Ceiling in 1991.
12. founded and published literary and cultural arts magazine Drumvoices Revue in 1992.
13. photographed & participated in Furious Flower Poetry conference at James Madison University in VA in 1994.
14. attended the Million Man March in Washington, D.C. October 16, 1995.
15. attended & photographed 75th birthday party for Maya Angelou hosted by Oprah Winfrey in NC in 2003.
16. hosted Quincy Troupe visit and reading at SIUE in 2003.
17. co-organized and photographed 95th birthday party for Katherine Dunham at City Hall in East St. Louis in 2004.
18. attended, photographed, and participated in second Furious Flower Conference in Virginia in 2004.
19. organized Sonia Sanchez visit to SIUE in 2004.
20. photographed and participated in Yari Yari conference in New York City in 2004.
21. organized reading by Amiri Baraka at SIUE in 2005.
22. co-organized (with Howard Rambsy) Drumvoices festival at SIUE, featuring Katherine Dunham, Jayne Cortez, Bluiett, Haki Madhubuti, Melba Boyd in 2005.
23. co-organized (with Rambsy) second Drumvoices festival, featuring Mari Evans & Quincy Troupe in 2006.
24. co-organized Memorial for Katherine Dunham in East St. Louis, IL, in 2006.
25. retired from SIUE in 2007.
Eugene B. Redmond and Prominent Black Poets at SIUE
A Notebook on Eugene B. Redmond & the EBR Collection
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