Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Academically Adrift: Chapter 3

Haley Scholars Fall 2012 Reading Groups

By Chandra Alford

In Chapter 3, the primary topic of exploration is how students spend and priortize their time while in college. Social development and learning seem to take precedent over academic interests and development. The selectivity level of the institution and its standards and expectations seem to influence the value students place on their academics. But the authors pose the idea that the faculty of these institutions can have more of an impact depending on the structure of the institution.

“It is faculty, within classrooms and beyond, who shape not students’ overall development but also their commitment to continuing their education. . . What faculty members do, and in particular whether they facilitate academic integration of students, is crucial for student development and persistence (60).” The pedagogical practices of faculty members are pertinent, because depending on which methods are employed, the academic interests and development of students will either increase or decrease accordingly.

What's one noteworthy way that the positions put forth in the reading concerning the impact of faculty on student "development and persistence" confirmed or differed from your previously held views on the subject?


Shakita H. said...

This view actually confirmed mines because I believe that faculty has a great influence over students development and interest in academics. Nobody wants a boring teacher or someone who doesn't care about what they are teaching or whether or not a student gets an education. I understand this is college and the students are suppose to be more responsible, but showing that you care about a students academics is still okay. Faculty makes a difference in students lives because they are transitioning from high school where some are familiar with their teachers seriously caring and they come to college expecting that same care and influence from their professors.

Shawn C. said...

The views laid out in this chapter also confirms my belief that the faculty of an establishment plays a major role in students academic interests. Having to attend lecture day in and day out covering material that can be very in depth and dry at times can become very mundane when pursuing a higher education. However, when a faculty member has an enthusiastic view and technique on teaching material, it makes the students interests in the subject much greater. I believe that by getting students more excited to learn in a higher education setting, it will greatly increase the chance that the student will continue a life incorporating education. This seed of excitement about education I believe starts with the influential nature of the professors attitudes both in and out of the classroom.

Anonymous said...

This confirms what i have being always saying about having good teachers to help students along the way. I feel if it wasn't for a few of my professors encouraging me, I probably would've never made it as far as i have. The faculty is a large aspect in students succeeding that is why we need helpful and inspirational faculty to help students. The faculty may not understand how it important they are in influencing students to be and do better. It starts with the family then the faculty, but sometimes all students have is the faculty. So its important to have support somewhere.

Tia Borders Baptist

Anonymous said...

I agree that it is the faculty that shapes the students interest in their academics in college. Granted students should want to continue their higher education but some find it hard to socially and academically adjust if they are attending school in a new environment. I have had great instructors that took their time with every student and acknowledged everyone does come with different levels of knowledge. I feel this not only helped me to feel welcomed but it made me feel as though I belonged and that’s what students need. Students need a sense of belonging academically and socially which starts with the instructors.

Jessica Johnson