According to Gladwell, rice farmers, the majority of whom have limited resources, improved the returns on their labor by “becoming smarter, by being better managers of their own time, and by making better choices.” In other words, more than simply working hard, they worked intelligently and strategically. Gladwell proposes that cultures “shaped by the tradition of wet-rice agriculture and meaningful work” tend to produce students with the fortitude to “sit still long enough” to find solutions to time-consuming and complex math problems, for instance.
You’ll recall the proverbs Gladwell cites that emerged in southern China such as “No one who can rise before dawn three hundred sixty days a year fails to make his family rich.” Help us come up with local remixes to that saying. In no more than 10 additional words, compose useful and creative insertions to complete the following sentence:
No one who can __________________________________ throughout a semester fails to achieve academic success at SIUE.
Also, feel free to provide additional feedback concerning your thoughts about the chapter.
No one who can push through working a job, handling stress, dealing with family issues, and still keep up with schoolwork throughout a semester fails to achieve academic success at SIUE.
We deal with all of these stressful issues at one point or another but those who can work through each of them as they come are the truly successful students.
No one who can balance study time and social time throughout a semester fails to achieve academic success at SIUE.
I think this chapter was an excellent one. It got me thinking about the things in my past that have had an impact on me today; some I didn't even realize would.
No one who can dedicate 2 hours of their time to study a day throughout a semester fails to achieve academic success at SIUE.
This chapter reminds me of the goat program in Africa, where the villagers were given goats which gave them milk and a whole new income to their households. Introducing goats to the village changed the villagers economy in just one generation
No one who can say they have improved their character and increased their knowledgebase can fail to achieve academic success at SIUe.
No one who can put forth max effort into studying and going to class throughout a semester fails to achieve academic success at SIUE.
No one who can walk the tightrope of life while balancing education and social aspects throughout a semester fails to achieve academic success at SIUe.
Not everyone knows how to prioritize their time and attention to everything and everyone around them. For example, it's hard for some to turn down going to a party instead of studying for an exam on that following Monday.
No one who can prioritize their immediate and longterm goals, manage their social life, and build upon their personal foundation and aspirations throughout a semester fails to achieve academic success at SIUE.
No one who can study hard, keep a social life and maintain their character throughout a semester fails to achieve academic success at SIUE.
No one who can manage their time, cope with stress, and study diligently fails to succeed academically during their time at SIUE.
No one who can maintain focus on the most beneficial goal at hand fails to achieve academic success at SIUE.
No one who can support theirself while at school, keep up with an intimate relationship, study and excel in their classes and improve their character as far as maturity goes throughout a semester fails to achieve academic success at SIUE.
In college, every students faces many struggles because college is your first step being independent and having to do things yourself. Some students fail when faced with struggles, but some students still manage to excel regardless what struggles they may go through and those are students that will have the brightest future.
No one who can buckle down and stay focus on the task ahead throughout a semester fails to achieve academic success at SIUE.
No one who can remain focused in their schoolwork and remain determined to put in work to succeed throught a semester fails to achieve academic success at SIUE.
No one who can pass up a party so that they can study on a saturday night throughout a semester fails to achieve academic success at SIUE.
Essentially a person who gives up social events to study has a good sense of priorities. They are able to put their academics before everything else.
No one who can pass up a party so that they can study on a saturday night throughout a semester fails to achieve academic success at SIUE.
Essentially a person who gives up social events to study has a good sense of priorities. They are able to put their academics before everything else.
No one who can work hard, study, and put effort in writing term papers throughout a semester fails to achieve academic success at SIUE
No one who can maintain the desire to succeed throughout a semester fails to achieve academic success at SIUE.
The chapter had me realize that balancing my social time and work time would be a crucial way for me to grow.
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