Thursday, March 25, 2010

EBR Focus on Sonia Sanchez

This week's video features Eugene B. Redmond reading a tribute poem that focuses on poet Sonia Sanchez.

Sonia's Phat Moon Blues

moon phat in soprano & Philly Dog,
Sonia moans Alabama babies in civil mournin,
worryin Sterling's lines--!O Langston's--!O Gwen's
--!O High John's--!O Delta rootress's--name-
callin !Marie !Zora !Maya !Toni (s) !Alice !Gloria
& molten-sweet !Malcolm-tongued epitome epitome
--!resist--sayen dont pity me, sayen !resist . . .

def-like like vodun-muse ala Haiti,

Wolof-hip & down as Nubia Bop,
sista-giant riffs key of Georgia Slop
--!resist--of gods spillin out of wombs
like Philly phonics--!resist--like MLK ebonics,
bronze ballad-dear tonics, earth angel sonics,
Day-Lady's harmonics, trillin batons of !fire

Related content: Eugene B. Redmond and the EBR Collection

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