Thursday, September 27, 2018

Digital Humanities Club: Week 2

Graduate assistant Ashley Hamilton assists one of the club members on her visual remix

On September 26, we continued with our graphic design work. We're working on remixes of Black Panther #1 covers, as we consider an exhibit that we'll curate. We have several new club members, so they are getting a hang of the software.

One of our members worked on audio mixes instead of graphic design. We gave members a choice, and I was surprised that only one chose to work with audio. For some reason, I expected them to all favor audio projects over visual ones.

I'm looking forward to presenting the students with specific tasks and challenges and having them create with a sense of purpose. At the same time, I'm enjoying what they create when given opportunities to explore and experiment.  

The East St. Louis Digital Humanities Club Fall 2018

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