Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Future Histories of Black Studies Contributing Writers

In the future, the plan is for us to continue nurturing contributing writers for our site. On the one hand, we benefit by having a range of writers contribute. At the same time, regular writing in this public venue provides our folks with useful experience.

Over the past year, we've had a few different contributors. Danielle Hall and Cindy Lyles, our senior program coordinators, have produced many different works. Emily Phillips, who graduated a couple of years ago and is now working on her Ph.D. at St. Louis University, still makes time to contribute entries  as well. Bates College literature professor TherĂ­ A. Pickens wrote entries on a range of topics for us last Fall.

We've had a group of rising scholars, The UTSA Reading Collective, comprised of four Ph.D. students -- Elizabeth Cali, Allegra Castro, Christina Gutierrez, and Erin Ranft -- from the University of Texas San Antonio produced writings for our site. SIUE grad student, Chandra Alford, produced works for one of our online reading groups last semester, and our junior program coordinator Briana Whiteside has had a really active presence as a contributing writer. Two undergrad contributing writers, Caleb Butler and Bryan Ryan, have been producing weekly writings for our Basketball Project.

Moving forward, we'll continue serving as a venue for a group of contributing writers. Or better, our site will be powered by a range of creative and critical thinkers.  
Future Histories project   

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