
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Those Allison Joseph books

When I began developing a collection of volumes of poetry published since 2000, those Allison Joseph books were there. When I started actively blogging about poetry, those Allison Joseph books were there. And now, as I'm  imagining the book histories of contemporary poetry, you know what books are there.

1992: What Keeps us Here
1997: Soul Train
1997: In Every Seam
2003: Imitation of Life
2004: Worldly Pleasures
2009: Voice: Poems
2010: my father’s kites: poems
2014: Trace Particles
2015: Little Epiphanies
2016: The Purpose of Hands
2016: Mercurial
2016: Multitudes
2016: Mortal Rewards
2016: Double Identity
2017: Surviving Artistry
2017: What Once You Loved
2017: Taking Back Sad
2018: Confessions of a Barefaced Woman
2018: Little Epiphanies (reissued)
2018: Corporal Muse
2019: Smart Pretender
2020: The Last Human Heart
2021: Professional Happiness
2021: Lexicon 
2022: Speak and Spell: poems 
2022: Any Proper Weave  
2022: Our Time Among Roses 
2022: Bright Fame: Love Poems 
2022: Psalm for a Second Meeting 


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